Tuesday, 14 July 2009

A week with the Tories

It is almost a week now since I joined the Conservatives..... and what a mixed week.

Reaction to my defection from Labour to the Conservatives has, in the most, been warm and welcome by the majority of local residents who have contacted me. There have of course been those who feel hurt and angry and that will stay with them for a long time I'm sure of that.

I saw one negative comment about my becoming a Tory saying that I would become anti-gay. Well, obviously that person doesn't know me but is quite happy to make a snide remark. Before I came over I attended a pre-Pride event with David Cameron who welcomed what Labour has done on gay equality and apologised for Section 28. The room was full of mainly Tories and the majority were probably lesbian and gay, but this shows how far that the Conservatives have come. Oh and to answer the guy who thinks I will become "anti-gay"; I don't know you, you don't know me, but I am gay and proud of it. As the Stonewall ad says "Some people are gay.... get over it".

There have been a few calls for me to resign as a Councillor and thereby have a by-election. With 10months to go before the full council elections, I'm sure that the thousands of pounds that the by-election would cost is better spent on other council services. I would also remind those that there are currently two Labour councillors who defected from the Lib Dems and there were no by-elections. Indeed, throughout the country there are numerous defections and no by-elections. As I say, the people of Noel Park will speak in 10months time along with the rest of London and if the people of Noel Park want me as a Tory councillor or not, we'll know then and we'll all know how people really feel.

In the meantime after last Wednesday, I have spent time doing my surgery and going around Noel Park ward talking to local residents, continuing to hear what they've got to say about Labour, the Council and my defection. Along with this, I was pleased to take part in the Conservative street stall on Wood Green High Road on Saturday morning - I can't remember when Labour and the Lib Dems did this in Wood Green and on Sunday joining the Fortis Green Conservatives for their garden party. How refined an event and then last night to City Hall for a London Conservative reception with London Mayor, Boris Johnson, and being publicly welcomed by Boris to the Conservatives and meeting some of the movers and shakers of Tory politics in London.

A real mixed week and one that was very active for me and I'm still doing my bit at the gym........

Finally, a chance to say a huge thank-you to everyone who has text, rung or e-mailed me with their thoughts on my defection and offering their friendship and support, which I appreciate so much.


Red Rag said...

One question, why don't you resign, force a bye election and run as a Tory, you were not elected for the party you now belong to. If you are that convinced that the electorate back you, test you conviction....if not, well you are, like other ship jumper a political party careerist....nice to see you enjoyed the "refined garden party"....that sentence alone spoke volumes.

Jed Keenan said...

Hello Alan

I have read this and your previous blog and still don't know what your soul-search found as a reason to change Parties. A friend of mine told me it was because of your views on the paid rolls in the Council; Chairs of Scrutiny, Planning, or Licensing, but it does seem hard on yourself to be standing as a Tory in only 9 months time in rock solid heartland. Why in the world make such a self-sacrificing gambit, or has the top of the kettle simply popped off? Or maybe you are doing deep cover since le Carré is being serialised on ‘refined’ Radio 4?

Yours sincerely

JGM Keenan