Wednesday 9 May 2007

Do we need the Lib Dems?

There is a lovely article in the Guardian today by Simon Jenkins "Nice but hopeless, the Lib Dems should call it a day".

I've said elsewhere what I think about the Lib Dems, but you know, say what one must about the Tories (and they're playing the Lib Dem card quite nicely at the moment), overall you know where you are with the Tories. The Liberals, well you name the policy you want and they'll back it to win your vote, they wanted higher taxes, now fear they won't win over Tory votes, they want to cut services, but fear of not getting Labour votes.

Sometimes, you have to make real policy and stand up for something, well at least once anyhow.

So, should the Lib Dems call it a day? You decide.... :-)