Thursday, 23 July 2009

Labour drop animal rights in Haringey

In a sad move at Haringey's Council Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the ruling Labour members voted in a unanimous vote to end the council's ban on animals performing at circuses in the Borough.

Some Labour members, in fairness to them, looked a bit akward at the decision, but still went along with it for "a year's trial". One member saying that he was "looking forward to seeing performing cats". Members were told that pets would be the main animals used....... however given the report indicated horses and donkies being used, I'm not sure how many people in Haringey have horses and donkies as their pets.

Alas, I was the only councillor to speak out against this (the Lib Dem councillor had gone home) leaving Labour to overturn a popular ban. I wonder how some of the so-called lefties angry at my departure will support me in October in trying to reverse this decision, or perhaps they will just follow the whip and complain behind closed doors. That didn't achieve much as I know from my time with Labour.

As I mentioned at Cabinet, my party politics may have changed, but my support for animal rights hasn't. It's a shame that Labour in Haringey has dropped an excellent policy.


Unknown said...


Is it now official Conservative policy to oppose the use of animals in circuses? Is it a national policy or just endorsed by the Haringey Conservative party? If not when, as leader of the Conservatives on the council, will you let them know about their new policy?

Anonymous said...

Unlike Labour, Hugh, we are a decentralising Party, who trust our local leaders. The national Conservative Party works with a number of animal rights groups and, no, they don't have a problem with the stance that we've adopted. Well done, Al!